Sunday, July 17, 2016

Energy Lessons the of Long Road: The Challenge of Elite PAC

         The question Who are you to write about energy?  flicked through my mind as I stood in a San Diego motel parking lot in May 2015, working hard on Getting UP.  Fifteen other cycling lunatics and I were set to embark on Elite PAC Tour. 
            Humbly promoting itself as The Toughest Two-Week Bicycle Tour in the World,  Elite PAC is the brainchild of Lon Haldeman and Susan Notorangelo, two former Race Across America champions and holders of coast-to-coast cycling records.  The pairs company, PAC Tour, has shepherded more than 80 rides across America over three decades.
            Elite PAC is a 2,700-mile-plus dash from San Diego, California to Savannah, Georgia in just 18 days -- or an average of about 150 miles a day.  Designed for the strongest and most manic distance riders, it is not for the faint of heart.  Short of Race Across America itself, it is the ultimate test of a road bike riders cross-country energy and endurance.
            The United States is a big country, full of mountains, deserts, endless farms and un-remitting tar-and-chip-covered rough roads.  It demands UP over and over again.  To ride Elite PAC, I would have to work at Getting UP every time I got side-swiped by a speeding logging truck and in every pelting rain storm.  I had to Get UP to fight blast-furnace headwinds and to nurse my rickety knees over saw-tooth hills.
            To read how I did that, stay tuned.  Or, buy my book, Getting UP! Supercharging Your Energy.

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